Thanks for your response, Stephan.

Amen! IMO the UI "should" be done using mostly JS (e.g. via jQuery or similar), however, that would break "lesser" browsers, and IMO they are an important (or at least not minimal) consideration for fossil. So... as much as i'd like a "real" UI (e.g. google mail), i'd hate to see fossil move that direction.

The likes of Gmail and many other highly AJAX driven websites have essentially forced people to move and upgrade their browsers to the most recent versions essentially making a lot of web developers lazy in supporting backwards compatibility with browser environments that are devoid of options they feel should be mandatory. This is not to say this is the direction I feel fossil should go. I think the design of Fossil's UI should completely separate markup, style sheet and javascript so neither is inline to the other, so that within the C code only well-formatted HTML needs to be built. My suggestion for event driven Javascript is not an attempt to restrict browser usage to the most recent browsers as many older browsers do support this method, it is however partly because I don't think markup like '<a onmouseover="" onmouseout="" href="">' (timeline.c line 58-59) is good practice, and because the removal of inline Javascript would also help in handling with page degradation.

Ideally (and longer-term), i think we could/should implement JSON interfaces into/out of fossil, so that we could write AJAX apps on top of fossil. With that in place, multiple WUIs could be created using one's own favourite JavaScript library (*cough*jquery*cough*). i've been looking at C libs lately for adding some JSON output support to fossil (e.g. timeline/commits data), but the open source JSON-generation C libs i've looked at "just don't do it for me," and i haven't yet settled on one (i don't want to implement one if i can avoid it, though it might be useful to implement a custom one on top of the fossil blob data type, to take advantage of the memory management).

Personally I'd be more inclined to use pure XML over JSON to give greater flexibility, as much as I detest XML as a format, it seems every programming language out there I've ever dealt with has some sort of XML library. Hey, even Applescript has ways of parsing it.

2) Solving future Internationalisation (i18n) and Localisation (l13n) issues

Porting fossil to be "i18n-ready" would be a major undertaking.

Without a doubt it will be a huge undertaking, and it will completely re-arrange a lot of the code structure. It seems DVCS's themselves are not very well supported towards internationalisation, however bug/ project management tools (Trac, RT, Bugzilla) are at varying levels, so it's suffice to say that at present there is demand for it, at least for the UI. I feel it is a case of "if you build it they will come", as there is more non- English speakers on the internet than native English speakers. Making the changes now before the code base gets bigger will make it less painful.

Question: Would it be feasible to implement a very basic search function of documents in the wiki?

i think the biggest problem there is that the wiki is stored as compressed diffs. To do a real search, one would have to decompress every version of every page and perform the search on it. You could limit it to only the latest versions, but it's still got to reconstruct the page before it can perform the search. It could stuff that into an sqlite3 :memory: (or temp) db and perform the actual search from there.

Sounds like it would be difficult. I am by no means an expert on search engines, but would it be feasible that when a wiki document is committed that it is quickly indexed and then the index stored in database instead?

~ James
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