On Sep 15, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Wilson, Ronald wrote:

> drh,
> Often browsing the fossil ui remotely it appears that the css  
> doesn’t load all the time.  This appears to happen on Chrome,  
> Firefox, and IE (see attached).  Repeatedly reloading a page can  
> sometimes get the styles loaded, but subsequent page loads can  
> revert back to the style-less view.
> This does not seem to happen to the ui when browsed locally.  You  
> can try one of my repositories out at http://***********:8080/home.   
> This is hosted on Windows XP.
> Does it reproduce for you?  Have you seen this before?

I can reproduce this on your site only.  Attempts to generate the  
effect using different configurations work fine.

If I run a proxy on my Linux desktop (named elly) that relays  
connections inbound on port 8180 over to *******:8080 and prints all  
the traffic in a window where I can see what is going on, and then  
point my browser at http://elly:8180/home, then your site works  
great.  Only when I go directly to your site do I encounter problems.

If I run fossil on winXP running under VMWare on my linux box and  
access it from a separate mac, everything works great.

Might this be a firewall issue on your XP box?  Some kind of virus  
protection?  Could this be the stuff MS does to consumer versions of  
XP to "cripple" it so that it cannot be used as a webserver?  Might  
your ISP be blocking some inbound connections on port 8080?

D. Richard Hipp

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