> From this setup, anything looks like I can checkout (actually: clone)
> the remote repository:
> fossil clone   http://lulli.net/code/index.cgi  LOCALrepo.fsl
>                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
> Send:             597         24          0          0
> Received:           0          0          0          0
> Total network traffic: 472 bytes sent, 464 bytes received
> Rebuilding repository meta-data...
> 0 (0%)...
> project-id: (null)
> server-id:  75cf3cfbb2855595de5874459f239c55b71218ee
> admin-user: paolo (password is "1a4411")

It seems like it's not actually cloning the repository
(project-id: (null)).

Again, ticket: http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/tktview?name=bfb8427cdd

First, check your URL. If it's correct, then check your server logs.
Probably, it's an issue with permissions.

Dmitry Chestnykh
Coding Robots


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