> Three things keep catching me with Fossil. Am I being stupid and
> missing something? If not, I'd like to propose them as areas for
> enhancement.
> 1) I'd like to be able to delete a folder. I think Fossil doesn't
> track folder, which is fine - if I say:
>       fossil rm <folder_name>
> ... I'd like it to be taken to mean that I want all files under those
> folders to be removed.
> 2) This is a bit wooly, but sometimes I'd like to be able to do
> something like:
>       fossil rm <file_name>.*
> ... when these files don't exists on disk, because I've deleted them
> already. So I want some way to do a delete glob on what fossil has in
> its repo, not what is on disk.
> 3) I often type:
>       fossil revert <file_name>.*
> ... but only one of the matching files gets reverted, which is a
> if I have edited the .c and .h files, say.
> Thanks!

I think the fossil team tries not to reproduce in fossil what can be
done in the shell.  I'm not a *nix guy so most of that is arcane to me
because I don't use cygwin enough; but I think all three of your
enhancements are trivial to do in the shell.


Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead
(o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612, www.harris.com

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