On Jan 21, 2010, at 7:57 PM, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

> On Jan 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Kyle McKay wrote:
>> All 3 of the URLs listed on:
>> http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/tip/www/selfhost.wiki
>> fail with the same error on a clone attempt.
> I'll work on a fix.  Please try again in a few hours....

Better:  Just download the latest precompiled binary or tarball from 
  and use that instead of the version you are currently using.

With the new client, you don't need to include the password in the URL  
of a sync.  Instead of:

       fossil sync http://userid:passw...@example.com/

You just include the userid, like this:

       fossil sync http://use...@example.com/

And it prompts you for the password.  So people looking over your  
shoulder can't see your password.  And if you enter the wrong  
password, it tells you and asks again.  Or if your password changes  
and you do just:

       fossil sync

It will prompt you to enter a new password (which it of course  
remembers for the next sync...)

So, I didn't break stuff arbitrarily.  I really am trying to make  
things better.  Thanks for your patience.

D. Richard Hipp

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