Op Vr, 22 januari, 2010 16:11, schreef Simon Horton:
> Thanks for the help, I used the gnuwin32.sf.net zlib packages and now
> have successfully compiled fossil. I know this is all very obvious to
> many of you, but I thought I would write up the detailed steps I took
> to get fossil compiled on windows:-
> 1.  Install MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/)
>       - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/  (click on the
> download now button - MinGW-5.1.6.exe for me)
>       - Run and answer:
>            - Download and Install
>            - Current Package
>              - install options
>               - MiGW base tools
>               - g++ compiler
>       - install to C:\MinGW
>       - Add C:\MinGW\bin  to Path system variable (under environmental
> variables in the control panel).
> 2. Install MSYS
>               - I followed information on this wiki page:
> http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys
>               - http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.11.exe
>                       - just follow all of the defaults
>               - http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/msysDTK-1.0.1.exe
>                       - Install to C:\msys\1.0
This one isn't necessary unless you want to toy with msys. You have the
order wrong first mingw than msys.
A good replacement installer for mingw is at
>               -
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MSYS%20Base%20System/msys-1.0.11/msysCORE-1.0.11-bin.tar.gz/download
>                       - Extract to C:\MinGW
>               - Set Environment variable HOME to C:\msys\1.0\home (under
> environmental variables in the control panel).
> 3. Download zlib              (from 
> http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html )
>               - http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/zlib-bin-zip.php
>                       - Extract to C:\MinGW
>               - http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/zlib-lib-zip.php
>                       - Extract to C:\MinGW
> 4. Download fossil source code (to c:/fossil-src in this example)
> 5. Compile fossil
>       - open MSYS link from desktop
>       - cd /c/fossil-src
>        make -f Makefile.w32
> Now I have a new fossil.exe in c:\fossil-src
> /Simon Horton.
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