Ok I modified your script a bit:


echo "test data" > hidden_file.txt

echo "test data 2" > visible_file.txt

attrib +h hidden_file.txt

fossil new hidden-file-test.fossil

fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil

fossil add hidden_file.txt

fossil add visible_file.txt

fossil setting clearsign 0

fossil commit -m "add test"

fossil close

attrib -h hidden_file.txt

del *.txt

fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil


fossil rm hidden_file.txt

fossil commit -m "rm test"

fossil close


this is my result:


PS C:\rev\src\test> echo "test data" > hidden_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> echo "test data 2" > visible_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> attrib +h hidden_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil new hidden-file-test.fossil

project-id: 6aabe7d760506855816e2e55e3f3f5f758a1a515

server-id:  a33c100eca29a70b48e7054781af29d5a8992821

admin-user: rwilso20 (initial password is "3669c0")

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil add hidden_file.txt

ADDED  hidden_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil add visible_file.txt

ADDED  visible_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil setting clearsign 0

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil commit -m "add test"

New_Version: 6bdbb886fbcc6f78d037bef3bc004a26d8d15e17

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil close

PS C:\rev\src\test> attrib -h hidden_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> del *.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil



project-name: <unnamed>

repository:   C:/rev/src/test/hidden-file-test.fossil

local-root:   C:/rev/src/test/

user-home:  : C:/Documents and Settings/ma088024/Application Data

project-code: 6aabe7d760506855816e2e55e3f3f5f758a1a515

server-code:  a33c100eca29a70b48e7054781af29d5a8992821

checkout:     6bdbb886fbcc6f78d037bef3bc004a26d8d15e17 2010-01-28
22:42:52 UTC

parent:       f893f47377cba4cf66d8e065bb94390b69f6ccce 2010-01-28
22:42:52 UTC

tags:         trunk

PS C:\rev\src\test> ls



    Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\rev\src\test



Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

----                -------------     ------ ----

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM      43008 hidden-file-test.fossil

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM         24 hidden_file.txt

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM        277 manifest

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM         41 manifest.uuid

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM         28 visible_file.txt

-a---         1/28/2010   5:42 PM       7168 _FOSSIL_



PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil rm hidden_file.txt

DELETED  hidden_file.txt

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil commit -m "rm test"

New_Version: 3de1e97489d22c3c165baffc80983d6058f37f7e

PS C:\rev\src\test> fossil close

PS C:\rev\src\test>


I'm not seeing any error.  However, the second fossil open created the
hidden_file.txt without the hidden attribute, as seen in the file
listing above.




Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead

(o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612, www.harris.com


 HARRIS CORPORATION   |   RF Communications Division


From: fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org
[mailto:fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org] On Behalf Of Dig412
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:28 PM
To: fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] content missing - repository jammed


I've made a batch script that replicates the issue. It doesnt give the
same error message, but it demonstrates the problems opening, and
failures in removing, hidden files:


echo "test data" > hidden_file.txt

echo "test data 2" > visible_file.txt

attrib +h hidden_file.txt

fossil new hidden-file-test.fossil

fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil

fossil add hidden_file.txt

fossil add visible_file.txt

fossil commit

fossil close

fossil open hidden-file-test.fossil

fossil rm hidden_file.txt

fossil close


Hopefully this is helpful.


On 28 January 2010 22:11, Wilson, Ronald <rwils...@harris.com> wrote:

> Yeah, the easy solution is not to add Thumbs.db in the first place, so
> might start from scratch with a new repository.
> I was mainly wondering why "rm" failed, unless I misunderstood what
> meant to do in the first place. I'd like to get it to a state akin to
> thumbs.db never having been added at all.

I have not had good luck removing anything permanently from fossil.
Maybe I'm missing something, but fossil doesn't like to let go of

I wonder if there is a bug with adding hidden files.  I don't have time
to investigate right now, but if you could create a simple script that
reproduces the problem that would be helpful.  I think it would be
reasonable for fossil not to add hidden files by default and create an
option that will add hidden files, e.g. fossil add *.* --add-hidden.


Ron Wilson, Engineering Project Lead
(o) 434.455.6453, (m) 434.851.1612, www.harris.com

> On 28 January 2010 21:11, Wilson, Ronald <rwils...@harris.com> wrote:
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I'm in the process of learning fossil, and made a repository for
> > > existing project.
> > > I used "fossil add *" to add the files, and the initial commit
> worked.
> > >
> > > However, doing "fossil open" gives the error:
> > > fossil: content missing for resources/Thumbs.db
> > >
> > > "fossil rm resources/Thumbs.db" gives:
> > > fossil: not in the repository: resources/Thumbs.db
> > >
> > > Shunning and rebuilding the repository has no effect, and fossil
> > > doesn't complete the open successfully, so I can't do anything
> > > the repository in it's current state.
> > >
> > > How can I fix this error?
> >
> > You're going to have to give us additional clues.
> >
> > D. Richard Hipp
> > d...@hwaci.com
> Thumbs.db is a windows file that holds thumbnail images for display in
> the file explorer.  It is automatically generated by the OS for every
> folder that has images or any other document type that would have a
> thumbnail preview.
> Normally this file has the hidden attribute.  Could that be part of
> problem?  Personally, I don't think that thumbs.db has any business
> being in a source repository, but fossil add *.* would add it without
> asking.
> RW

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