On 6 February 2010 05:16, D. Richard Hipp <d...@hwaci.com> wrote:

> You know, 15 years ago, I could have done (and did do) a slick looking
> interface like this using a couple dozen lines of easy to understand
> and easy to modify Tcl/Tk code in a canvas widget.  Now, I have to
> write hundreds or thousands of lines of javascript and CSS to do the
> same thing.  And they call this "progress"?

No.  They call this "enterprise software".

I always wondered what "enterprise software" meant.  Then I had the
epiphany: all "enterprise software" relies on huge, unreadable messes
involving comically verbose languages (Java, for example, and in the modern
web-front world JavaScript as well) and comically verbose configuration
files (XML-based being the ideal these days).  You  see if you have such
comically verbose and rigid languages as your tool, you need large teams of
code monkeys to build and maintain it, thus making your empire larger.
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