On 04/06/2010 06:10 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
> THAT i didn't think of: i could move the demo path outside of the CGI's
> path while still keeping it in the webroot. That would almost solve my
> problem, except that i still have to (a) hard-code the server name in
> the Wiki link and

You do not have to hard-code the server name so long as its the same as 
the fossil repo is being served through. Just linking to "/foo/bar" 
means "http://whatever-domain-we-are-on-now.com/foo/bar";. It's the / at 
the beginning that does that--just like a *nix filesystem path: `cd foo` 
changes to 'working_directory/foo', but `cd /foo` changes to /foo.

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock LLC
Web applications built with joy.
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