Have thought about it some more, but no security epiphany. My view remains
that the command should be something like this:

fossil backend http|scgi [-P port|pipe] [-F front-server-ip] [-R

Semantics could be:
- all requests coming from a client other than the front-server-ip (fip)
are denied with a "403 forbidden" response.
- all requests that specify a real client ip of are denied with
the same response
- For http, X-Forwarded-For only looks at the first (ultimate client) ip;
if ommitted the fip is used
- For http, it sets the base url to X-Fossil-BaseUrl; if ommitted the base
url is root
- For scgi, the client ip is set to the client ip header which must be
present (at penalty of "400 bad request")
- For both, REMOTE_USER is honoured

Variations could be to add "any" to http|scgi to serve both at the same
time, or to make acceptance of remote user a feature that must be enabled
with an additonal flag. I think & hope that the above can be done in a
small patch, a I remain opposed to adding bloat to Fossil.

Will that work for security and convience? Input welcome.


On Wed, 2 Jun 2010 23:27:57 +0100, Owen Shepherd <owen.sheph...@e43.eu>
> On 2 June 2010 18:11, Joshua Paine <jos...@letterblock.com> wrote:
>> Only is privileged, right? So can we just not trust
>> X-Forwarded-For: no matter who says it, and not worry if
>> X-Forwarded-For is abused otherwise?
> No.  Fossil keys its login cookies off the user's IP address. If the
> user can provide X-Forwarded-For, then stealing a cookie becomes a
> lot more useful.

fossil backend http|scgi [-P port|pipe] [-F front-server-ip] [-R

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