On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Riza Dindir <riza.din...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been using CVS and WinCVS for a while now, and stumbled upon fossil.
> I find fossil very interesting, and usefull because it provides tickets,
> events, and
> a wiki with it, in a standalone single package. Outstanding in my opinion.
> I have a question regarding fossil and its usage. I was using CVS with
> modules in the repository. I have many different directories in CVS for
> example code, projects, notes, etc. Whatever you can think of. And had many
> different levels of subdirectories. My CVS repository has many projects in
> it. The CVSROOT is about 250 Meg and counting.

A year and half ago, when the 9-year history of SQLlite was imported from
CVS into Fossil, the 320MB CVS repository was rendered into a 35MB Fossil
repository.  Fossil, it seems, does a much better job of compressing.  (To
be fair, most of the 320MB of CVS were contained in the CVSROOT/history
file.)  See http://www.fossil-scm.org/doc/trunk/www/stats.wiki for
additional information.

> Given this picture, how could I do that in fossil effectively. Is it better
> to provide different repositories for each project, or have all the CVS
> repository directory structure reside in one repository file in fossil. If
> that repository file (.fossil file) is a couple hundred megabytes (and it
> will grow) would that have an impact in the performance, or usage of
> fossil?

I would put each independent project in a separate repository.

> Another question would be... Is it possible to selectively check out
> one directory and its subdirectories (a module) from the repository?

Fossil does not have the concept of a module or a partial tree check-out.
You have to check out the entire tree or none at all.  This is true of all
DVCSes, as far as I am aware.

> Thanks in advance for any information.
> Kind regards,
> rd
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