Hello, fossilers!

Some of my fossil repos are not on the web, but instead in my DropBox (a
file backup/sync service: http://getdropbox.com). i'm wondering if another
Dropbox user out there has tried sharing a fossil repo with other developers
via dropbox-shared folders. If so, were there any notable problems?
Obviously, if either commit while a sync is taking place it could cause
Dropbox to produce two copies (before/after collision), but dropbox sync is
pretty fast, and doesn't take much more time then an
http/fossil-server-based sync. i have used fossil-in-a-dropbox for months,
but have never tried sharing such a repo with dropbox shared folders.

If one of you is curious and sends me your dropbox user name i can set up a
folder for us to try this out.


----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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