On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Kohn Bernhard <bernhard.k...@ait.ac.at>wrote:

> Hello,
> I just send this email with an attachment (vs2010 solution), but it didn’t
> shows up in the fossil-user mailforum.
> How can I share the vs2010 solution?

Please send email directly to me.

> Best regards
>   Bernhard
> *Von:* Kohn Bernhard
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 04. Jänner 2011 08:52
> *An:* 'fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org'
> *Betreff:* AW: [fossil-users] Errors during compile in Windows 7 x64
> Hello,
> I have now make a workable Visual Studio 2010 Solution and added it as a
> zip-file to this email. In this zip file is also the sources of zlib
> (Version 1.2.5) included as from the zlib homepage. The solution directory
> vs2010 has to be places in the same directory level as the src Directory of
> fossil sources. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to link direct to the static
> version of zlib, so instead of linking to the library I included all the
> sources of zlib.
> As Visual Studio is working differently than standard make, I have to use
> one batch script (.bat) to make all the preprocessing of the .c files. The
> batch script is named PreProcess.bat and uses as input the file
> PreProcessedFiles.txt. In the file PreProcessedFiles.txt each name of a .c
> file should be placed, which has to go to the preprocessing. One filename
> per line and without extension (that means “add.c” should be one line
> “add”). If you add new files, you have to add the filename in the
> PreProcessedFiles.txt.
> If you open the solution, you will two Solution Folders, named Fossil and
> Tools. In the solution folder Tools are placed the projects to compile the
> commandline programs makeheaders, mkindex, translate and Version. The Output
> files (.exe) are place in a subdirectory of the directory vs2010 (Debug or
> Release, depending which Configuration you selected to compile).
> In the solution folder Fossil there is one project called fossil. The
> project fossil contains different folders. The folder Base Files contains
> all the files which should be preprocessed (but only these!). If someone
> likes to change code, this should be done here. Then there exist the folder
> Created Files. These Files should not be changed in the editor. If you open
> the solution the first time, the files of the folder Created Files won’t
> exist. You have to build the solution one time, for creating the files. The
> Header files config.h and sqlite3.h are seen in the folder Header Files. The
> sources shell.c, sqlite3.c and th.c, which should not be preprocessed are to
> be found in the folder Source Files. At last, the files of the zlib library
> are placed in the Folder zlib Files.
> You will notice, that all files in the Folder Base Files have a small
> “minus” icon. This indicates, that these files won’t be compiled with Visual
> Studio. All the files which will be created with the batch script are placed
> in a subdirectory within the fossil project directory, called
> PreProcessedFiles.
> The Build will first invoke the Precess.bat file, after the batch finishes,
> all the _.c and .c files are compiled and the fossil executable will be
> build.
> To Build the fossil.exe you have to run a complete Solution Build, to
> generate the programs makeheaders.exe, mkindex.exe, translate.exe and
> Version.exe. They will be placed in subdirectories depending of the
> Configuration (Debug or Release). For production version one should of
> course the Release build. Also the fossil.exe will be placed in the
> sudirectories depending of the Configuration.
> !!! I have made one small change to fossil source code (config.h) !!!
> To compile the executable I had comment out in the file config.h the line
> which will include the file langinfo.h. In the Visual Studio Enviroment this
> file does not exist. I don’t know, which consequences this will have. After
> commenting this line out, I have compiled fossil successfully.
> I have made a fossil executable of the source of Version [09fc7be1f0] from
> 2010-12-21.
> The executable is slightly larger than the provided one (provided 1041KB vs
> vs2010 1239KB).
> I made a very small test regarding  speed. I added and commited a
> sourcecode directory of 2.35Gb, with 22084 Files in 2215 Folders.
> With the provided version, the repo the commit last 20 minutes, with vs2010
> version the commit last 16 minutes.
> This is only a very very simple test, so I can’t say, if this is due to
> caching of files or some other things, but the result were repeatable
> measured (two times).
> For compiling I set the optimization to Maximize Speed, as I don’t thing,
> that a size of some 100kb will matter.
> Best regards
>   Bernhard
> *Von:* fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org [mailto:
> fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org] *Im Auftrag von *Richard Hipp
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010 15:05
> *An:* fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [fossil-users] Errors during compile in Windows 7 x64
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Kohn Bernhard <bernhard.k...@ait.ac.at>
> wrote:
> Hello
> I can try to contribute a VS2010 solution. But I need some information
> regarding the tool. As I am not firm in reading/understanding makefiles, can
> you explain me, in which order I have to call the mkindex, translate and
> makeheader programs. As I understand, on every *.c file should be applied
> the three programs? Also I would like to know which version of zlib should
> be linked (I have found version 1.2.5 in the net).
> I just added build documentation that should give you all the information
> you need:'
>     http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/trunk/www/makefile.wiki
> I would create a directory called vs2010, in which the solution file will
> be placed (at the same dir level as the src directory), which subdirectories
> for the project files. Also I will include the zlib library and include file
> there, if this is ok.
> Regarding the awk script, I will search for a windows version available,
> which I will also place in the vs2010 directory, so everything should be in
> place. The test project which uses tcl I won’t create, as I have no
> relation/experience which tcl.
> There is a C program in the source tree that does the work of AWK for you.
> The new build documentation describes how that works.
> Best regards
>   Bernhard
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> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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D. Richard Hipp
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