I cannot check in new files to a clone of a fossil repository that has a 
shunned object.

I have upgraded fossil to  version [79b7902cdd] 2011-01-01 03:06:47 UTC .on 
both the repository server and my local machine.

I have rebuild the rep on the server.

I have cloned the rep from the server to my local machine.

I have opened the rep on my local machine.  This gives a warning

WARNING: manifest checksum does not agree with manifest

I was told last week to carry on., despite this warning.

I have added five files to the rep

When I attempt to check in the new files, it aborts with the following 

>fossil ci -m "add ecrew2eng"

Autosync:  http://x...@y/cgi-bin/ecrew.cgi

                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas

Sent:             130          1          0          0

Received:        1872         40          0          0

Total network traffic: 331 bytes sent, 0 bytes received

C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents\code\bin\fossil.exe: no such 

C:/Documents and Settings/james/My 


C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents\code\bin\fossil.exe: 

tatement aborts at 2: [ROLLBACK] cannot rollback transaction - SQL 
statements in


C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents\code\bin\fossil.exe: 
unfinalized SQ

L statement: [SELECT id, 'C:/Documents and Settings/james/My 

twake/ecrew/work_newfossil/' || pathname, mrid FROM vfile WHERE chnged==1 
AND NOT deleted AND file_is_selected(id)]

( Note ecrew.zip is the file that was shunned. )


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