On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 20:29:40 +0100, Dmitry Chestnykh wrote:
> Hello,
> I've made a tiny simple diff highlighting for Fossil (well,
> technically, for any HTML page) in JavaScript, and thought I'd share
> it with you.
> Just put the following somewhere into Footer (not header!) above 
> </body>:
> ================================
> <script>
> /*  Simple diff highlighting */
> var DiffHighlighter = {
>   isDiff : function(s){
>     return (s.match(/^@@.*@@/m) && s.match(/^[+-]/m));
>   },
>   highlightElement : function(el){
>     var s = el.innerHTML;
>     if (!this.isDiff(s)){
>       return;
>     }
>     el.className += 'diff';
>     s = s.replace("<", "&lt;");
>     s = s.replace(/^\+.*$/mg, '<span class="diff-mark 
> added">$&</span>');
>     s = s.replace(/^\-.*$/mg, '<span class="diff-mark 
> removed">$&</span>');
>     s = s.replace(/^@@.*$/mg, '<span class="diff-mark 
> position">$&</span>');
>     s = "<pre>" + s + "</pre>"; // workaround for IE
>     el.innerHTML = s;
>   },
>   highlightElementsWithTagName : function(tagName){
>     var els = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
>     for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++){
>       this.highlightElement(els[i]);
>     }
>   }
> };
> DiffHighlighter.highlightElementsWithTagName('pre');
> </script>
> ================================
> And add this (or something to your taste) to your CSS:
> ================================
> .diff-mark {
>   display: inline;
>   color: #000;
> }
> .diff-mark.position {
>   display:-moz-inline-stack;
>   display:inline-block;
>   zoom:1;
>   *display:block;
>   width: 100%;
>   font-style: italic;
>   padding: 0.5em 0;
>   margin: 0.5em 0;
>   border-top: 1px dotted #A2B5CD;
>   border-bottom: 1px dotted #A2B5CD;
>   color: #A2B5CD;
> }
> .diff-mark.added {
>   background-color: #CEFBC3;
> }
> .diff-mark.removed {
>   background-color: #F5C2C1;
> }
> ================================
> That's it: the script will automatically detect diffs and color them.
> You can see it in action here:
> http://codingrobots.org/p/fossil/ci/7ad9a4640a
> --
> Dmitry Chestnykh
> _______________________________________________
> fossil-users mailing list
> fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
> http://lists.fossil-scm.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fossil-users
 You could define every thing in the head   and do

   if { "fdiff" eq $current_page || "otherdiffed page" eq $current_page 
 } {
        html " 

 This would have the benefit of running highlighter only on diff pages 
 and after the page has loaded

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