On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Francisc Simon

> Hash: SHA256
> The only way, in Windows, that you can have a process started by a user
> continue running after logoff (i.e. what "nohup" does) is to start it
> either through a "scheduled task" or as a Windows service. When the user
> logs off all processes in their logon session will be killed.
I don't need the process to continue running after the user logs off - I
only need it to keep running after the user closes the DOS box in which she
had typed "fossil server".   Actually, it would even be OK to kill the
process when the DOS box is closed, as long as the process continues running
after the user presses Ctrl-C to shut down the "fossil server" command.

I suppose the most important thing is that I need the background process to
continue running after the parent process (which will usually be the CGI on
the server side of a push/pull) returns its output to the webserver and/or
user and terminates.

A push/pull typically involves multiple round-trips between client and
server.  The background process is needed so that we can wait until the
entire push/pull operation completes before invoking the hooks.  The
background process is also needed so that a long-running hook does not delay
the server from responding to the client.

Among the things I want to do with this same "hook" mechanism is a
relay-push.  When server A receives a push, it will automatically relay the
new content to server B.  For example, when you push to
http://www.fossil-scm.org/ it will automatically relay that content to
http://www2.fossil-scm.org/ and http://www3.fossil-scm.org/.  Currently,
that relay is accomplished using cron, but as you have already pointed out,
cron is a complication we would like to avoid.

Another feature that might be achieved using the background process is email
notification of changes.  This would be a nice-to-have, though is less
important since we already have an RSS feed built in.   But notice that we
need a background process to accomplish this because we don't want the
server response to be delayed while it sends the emails.

This is all relatively easy to do on posix.  Hints for doing it on windows
will be appreciated.  Though, I suppose I could make these things a
posix-only feature.....

D. Richard Hipp
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