On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:

> I'm new to this list.  Be gentle.
> I've been rummaging through the list archives, and sifting through the
> Web documentation, but I am still not clear on the status of using SSH to
> encrypt connections for push/pull and other operations using Fossil.  Is
> it stable?  Does it require special configuration?  Is there anything
> about it in the Web docs or in any documentation that comes with it?  Is
> it not discussed outside of the mailing list?
> Any help in answering these (and related) questions would be appreciated.

OK, so I've made some tweaks to the SSH code based on the many helpful
suggestions sent in by readers.  (Thanks!)  Now the ball is back over to
you, Chad.  Go forth and test.  Let us know about both your successes and
failures.  Looking forward to you report!

> --
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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