Oracle's agreement addresses the contributor as either programmer or
company, which is a plus. I also find it easier to follow.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Chad Perrin <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:44:26PM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> >
>> > - Or this?
>> I have two comments about this, at this time:
>>    This agreement applies only to any software, documentation, scripts,
>>    of other content that has been deliberately uploaded to the public
>>    distribution of Fossil found at
>> A. That should probably say "or other content" rather than "of other
>> content".
>> B. You might want to specify that the upload in question has been made by
>> the Programmer, or in explicit service of the agreement, so that the
>> agreement cannot be construed to mean that Hwaci or some third party has
>> found some code of Programmer's unbeknownst to Programmer and uploaded it
>> without permission or knowledge of Programmer.
>> I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice.  Point B here is just a
>> change that would make *me* feel a lot better if I was in the position of
>> considering a contribution to Fossil at this time.
> Another reader suggested through a side-channel that I adapt the language
> here:
>> --
>> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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