On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:40 PM, Ron Wilson <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I need to read up on ~/.fossil and _FOSSIL_ though to see if there's
>> any risk of accidental information leak when pushing/pulling. The
>> question is if the client key should be stored in the database, or if
>> it's safer to store a reference to it instead, and keep the actual key
>> outside (in the file system).
> I would keep the certs, themselves, completely outside of Fossil or
> any other VCS, just storing paths to the files containing the certs.

   Yeah, and another point I thought of was that it also makes it much
easier to globally update the certificate/key in case the certificate
gets revoked or expires. (Which happens..).

> Even the public certs. The public certs you use are your means for
> authenticating who you trust. You want to be very careful accepting
> them.

   That's true for distributed web of trusts, but if you're using PKI
you (typically) use the CA certificate to verify the authenticity of a
client certificate. It's a different trust model.

>>   On that note.. Planning a little bit further into the future here. Is
>> anyone interested in "full" support for PKI in fossil? For instance,
>> signing commits using a client key belonging to a certificate
> Signing commits is a good idea. I would recomend invoking gpg (or
> other crypto tool) to generate and validate signatures, rather than
> even using a library. Tools like gpg receive a huge amount of
> scrutiny, so it is very probably safer than performing those functions
> in Fossil. I know this goes against the Fossil philosophy of providing
> a single, self-contained executable, but this is one area where using
> a dedicated, purpose-made tool for the job makes sense.

   As Joshua mentioned, gpg signing is already supported. But my
proposition was to add another trust model, for
organizations/industries which are not allowed to trust anything but
PKI structures.

   Anyway, that's further down the road; just wanted to see if there
was any immediate interest for PKI in fossil.
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