I am using fossil tickets as TODO items for new features that must be
implemented. Often, I realize that I can break a new feature into smaller
sub-features. So, logically, the plan changes from

- Ticket A


- Ticket A
    - Ticket A.1
    - Ticket A.2

This can be recursive, so the initial Ticket A becomes the root of a whole
subtree of tickets.

I know it's possible to create custom ticket reports, but reports are
still flat lists, not hierarchies.

For now, I manage ticket hierarchies by using an outliner, but it requires
lots of additional work: I have to copy ticket names and ticket IDs into
it. Are there any plans to make ticket management easier in fossil, by
making it possible to group them into trees like in my example? I'm
following the list for some time, but didn't notice any threads related to
this scenario of ticket management, hence my question.

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