On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Tony Perovic <tpero...@compumation.com>wrote:

>  Just curious: why is cr/lf in text files undesirable?

On *nix systems, the line ending is \n, and having extra newlines in files
can actually break them. i've seen, several times, cases where Windows-based
Java developers edit a shell script, check it in, release the software, and
then the scripts won't run on the customer's target (Unix) system because
the shell name "/bin/sh\r" is not recognized as a shell/command. Some
Windows editors can handle and/or emit Unix-style line-ends, but notepad
does not.

On a related note: some tools (like cvs or svn) warn if a file's last line
has no end-of-line marker. That's because (as i was taught, anyway) the
official definition of a text file is basically variable-length records
separated by a record separator (an end-of-line sequence (\n on *nix, \r\n
on Windows)), and that the last record must also have such a separator.

----- stephan beal
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