On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Tony Perovic <tpero...@compumation.com>wrote:

>  Looking at Admin|Header, I think that $<title> is the part I want
> changed. Where is that coming from?
> I need something like:
> If $<project_name> equals $<title> then
>   $<title> = “Home”
> End
> Do I have to learn TH1/TCL?

That is what needs to be changed in Admin->Header

There is a list of the variables and functions specific to Fossil in the
Fossil Cookbook, as well as various examples in several places in the Fossil
website and in this mailing list. From those examples, you should be able to
peice together what you need. Maybe later, I can put together the few lines
of TH1 that would be needed, but not enough time, now,

FYI, I configured our Fossil repository to use the ticket reporting page as
its home page, so the home page title is not an issue for us. Depending on
your team's needs, you may find it advantagious to use a different page as
your home page.
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