On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:46:56PM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> (1) "fossil undo" should restore all your files whenever something like this
> happens.
> (2) I just checked in a change that prints a "panic" message if Fossil gets
> into a state where it might want to delete all your files on an update.
> Still searching for the root cause of the problem....

That doesn't matter. This repo is now so totally hosed nobody can use
it.  I tried upgrading to the latest fossil just to see if that might
fix it, and no, now I can't login.  Autosync fails, even after I reset
my password.  So now I've got a repo with a "missing trunk", a commit
that erases all my code, and nobody can log into it.

And all anyone did was make a branch.  It's not like we're using it
weird or anything.  We hardly ever branch, I'm the main committer,
nobody does anything fancy with it.

Based on this, I can't keep using fossil.  Bad leaves floating around,
erasing commits, broken logins, complex sql to remove a spam ticket, and
it now cost me 3 days of work.

I hate to say it, since I love the design so much, but this is the end
of fossil for me.  Thanks for making it awesome for a year or so.

Zed A. Shaw
fossil-users mailing list

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