On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Zed A. Shaw <zeds...@zedshaw.com> wrote:

> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 02:05:30PM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> > On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Zed,
> > >
> > > Please confirm if you really lost local changes. That would be a big
> > > concern for me. I haven't lost any non-checked in work and would like
> > > to keep it that way.
> > >
> >
> > I agree with Matt.  I'm thinking you didn't really lose any work - the
> > "update" bug just took you off into nah-nah land, from which you could
> > easily recover using "fossil update trunk", "fossil undo", or "fossil
> > revert".  If you did lose uncommitted changes, that is indeed a problem
> that
> * fossil update trunk --- Nope, this just pretended like it'd already
> done that.  Then status said the files were MISSING.
> * fossil undo -- Nope, it thought it was in a good state.  Basically,
> the removes happened, but then after that fossil thought *I* removed
> the files.
> * fossil revert -- This is what destroyed my work.  They were
> uncommitted changes, so once I did this they were gone.  I didn't
> realize it'd nuke them until it was too late.
> So nope, this really did screw me over big time.

Bummer.  I'm sorry you lost work.

The bug that you hit had been there for ages - it wasn't new.  But it was
obscure.  You were just the first to stumble over it.  Sorry.

If you had done "fossil undo" immediately, that should have worked.  I guess
the "fossil revert" overwrote the undo stack.  Maybe to prevent this, I
should implement a multi-level undo?  Does anybody have any other
suggestions on how to prevent the lose of uncommitted work?

In any event, the bug is fixed now.

Thanks for your advocacy, Zed.  You are welcomed back anytime.

> --
> Zed A. Shaw
> http://zedshaw.com/
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