Hi Steeve,

I recently installed fossil as a Windows service on my own PC.
You need a utility like Srvany or (like I did) NSSM to do that.

Here are the steps that I took:

To arrange this on a Windows box, do the following: Put all
repository-files in one single directory (e.g. C:\fossil) , and set
the extensions for all repository-files to '.fossil'. (See also: the
Fossil "server" command).

You can then start a server manually, e.g. by typing the command
fossil server c:\fossil
However, you can also install this command as a Windows service, using
a utility like Srvany or Nssm. This has the advantage that you don't
need to type the command everytime you start up your PC, and that you
can not stop the server by accident (by closing all windows in the

Installing the service using NSSM

Enter the command

nssm install fossilsrv c:\bin\fossil.exe server c:\fossil

( I also remember having done some manual registry tweaks, but I
cannot recall them exactly anymore.
Anyhow, the relevant registry settings should look as shown below. )

=== Registry settings

"ImagePath"="C:\bin\nssm.exe" run
"AppParameters"="server c:\fossil"

== End of registry settings

Kind regards,
Jos van Kesteren
fossil-users mailing list

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