On 06/02/11 22:05, Ben Summers wrote:
> I've created a new branch, ben-testing, with the new features I've been 
> working on. I'm going to be using this version from now on to make sure it's 
> well tested before it's considered for merging into trunk. It adds:
>   * SSL client certificate support

   See http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/timeline?r=jan-clientcert
for alternative SSL client certificate support.

   My client certificate system works as follows:

   Step 1: Create a certificate bundle (stored in the global database):
   $ fossil cert add myfoo --key ~/.certs/myid.key
--cert ~/.certs/myid.crt --cafile ~/.certs/foo-ca.crt

   Step 2: Clone using the bundle
   $ fossil clone --certbundle myfoo
https://repos.foo.org/projects/projectX projectx.fossil

   Fossil has now made an implicit association between the URL
"repos.foo.org" and the user's certificate bundle "myfoo". One can see
this using the "cert list" sub-command:

   $ fossil cert list

   What this means is that any time the user uses https to access
repos.foo.org, fossil will automatically use the certificate bundle myfoo.

   Should one want to break the association, without removing the
certificate bundle, use the command:

   $ fossil cert disassociate repos.foo.org

   Each time one uses clone/push/pull/sync with the --certbundle option,
the implicit association will be made.

   Finally, if one would need to remove the certificate bundle, and all
its associations, use the command:

   $ fossil cert delete myfoo

Kind regards,
Jan Danielsson

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