On 07/23/11 01:06, Ross Berteig wrote:

> I get the impression that your calculation picks hues that are
> too close together... it might be better to quantize it more to
> keep them further separated.

I think that'll just force currently-similar colours to be the SAME
colour, by reducing the space of available colours...

...allowing some variablity in S and V might be a better idea, to expand
the space.

> Since the text color is controlled by the CSS which
> fossil almost certainly does not parse, you probably would need a
> separate configuration option somewhere to choose between "dark"
> and "light" automatic color choices.

Perhaps the configuration could list max and min values for H, S and V,
and have Fossil pick a colour within that region. The default would
allow all of H and a small range of pastel-oriented S/V.

People with a bold corporate colour scheme could restrict H somewhat if
blue just really clashed with their headers! :-)


Alaric Snell-Pym
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