My Fossil-based project is making a major release tomorrow, and I 
decided that warranted an event, particularly since the last such 
release was in November. :) I have a download page in the internal wiki, 
and I wanted to link to the release notes from that. Unfortunately, 
[hex-of-event|release notes] doesn't seem to do it. I eventually did 
/event?name=... but it'd be nice if the link directive could create a 
link to events as it does revisions. Is this something that could be added?

Also, this is something I threw out a while back and it seemed to be 
more or less well received, but nothing ever came of it so I thought I'd 
bump it. Would anyone else be interested in a way of listing the most 
recent events and perhaps their contents on a wiki page, perhaps with 
something like a th1 directive? I'd like to liven up my main page with 
links to the most recent events so I can document releases and other 
major project news. I get the whole "Fossil isn't everything and the 
kitchen sink!" argument and agree with it. This feature and hooks are 
all that I've found myself missing in nearly a year of using Fossil on 
half a dozen projects, so I don't want that either. But I like the idea 
of having everything self-contained, especially for mobile projects.

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