Hi Tomek,
Maybe blocked by our Country or Enterprise firewall, I cannot access:
To observe sync --httptrace, I shutdown autosync.
if exist D:\server rd /s /q D:\server
md D:\server
cd /d D:\server
fossil version
@echo Please let the password be parameter of tst_client.bat
fossil init ops
fossil open ops
echo server0 > server0.txt
fossil add server0.txt
fossil commit --comment server0
fossil close ops
fossil open ops
fossil close ops
fossil server ops
cd \
Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>f_server

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>if exist D:\server rd /s /q D:\server

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>md D:\server

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd /d D:\server

D:\server>fossil version
This is fossil version 1.19 [fca3073621] 2011-07-22 19:38:19 UTC

Please let the password be parameter of tst_client.bat

D:\server>fossil init ops
project-id: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-id:  d6db4046364906a2b20512a9a13abd8a4b94c664
admin-user: y00122496 (initial password is "a32988")

D:\server>fossil open ops

D:\server>echo server0  1>server0.txt

D:\server>fossil add server0.txt
ADDED  server0.txt

D:\server>fossil commit --comment server0
New_Version: 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec

D:\server>fossil close ops

D:\server>fossil open ops
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   D:/server/ops
local-root:   D:/server/
user-home:    C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data
project-code: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-code:  d6db4046364906a2b20512a9a13abd8a4b94c664
checkout:     19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec 2011-08-16 08:25:50 UTC
parent:       a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de 2011-08-16 08:25:49 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      server0 (user: y00122496)

D:\server>fossil close ops

D:\server>fossil server ops
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080
Type Ctrl-C to stop the HTTP server
if exist D:\client rd /s /q D:\client
md D:\client
cd /d D:\client
fossil set autosync off
fossil clone http://%USERNAME%:%1@%COMPUTERNAME%:8080 ops
fossil open ops
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
echo client1 > client1.txt
fossil add client1.txt
fossil commit --comment client1
fossil sync http://%USERNAME%:%1@%COMPUTERNAME%:8080 --httptrace
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
fossil update trunk
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
fossil close ops
@echo Turn to server
cd /d D:\server
fossil open ops
fossil ls -l
fossil update trunk
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
@echo BUG: client1.txt is NOT in the repository of server
echo server1 > server1.txt
fossil add server1.txt
fossil commit --comment server1
fossil ls -l
fossil close ops
@echo Turn back to client
cd /d D:\client
fossil open ops
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
fossil sync http://%USERNAME%:%1@%COMPUTERNAME%:8080 --httptrace
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
fossil update trunk
fossil timeline
fossil ls -l
fossil close ops
cd \
Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>f_client a32988

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>if exist D:\client rd /s /q D:\client

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>md D:\client

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd /d D:\client

D:\client>fossil set autosync off

D:\client>fossil clone http://y00122496:a32988@Y00122496:8080 ops
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:              53          1          0          0
Received:         646          9          3          0
Sent:              58          2          0          0
Received:         634          2          0          0
Total network traffic: 491 bytes sent, 1433 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
  100.0% complete...
project-id: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-id:  1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f
admin-user: y00122496 (password is "a2594a")

D:\client>fossil open ops
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   D:/client/ops
local-root:   D:/client/
user-home:    C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data
project-code: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-code:  1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f
checkout:     19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec 2011-08-16 08:25:50 UTC
parent:       a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de 2011-08-16 08:25:49 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      server0 (user: y00122496)

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] *CURRENT* server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\client>echo client1  1>client1.txt

D:\client>fossil add client1.txt
ADDED  client1.txt

D:\client>fossil commit --comment client1
New_Version: 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a

D:\client>fossil sync http://y00122496:a32988@Y00122496:8080 --httptrace
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:             539          9          0          0
Received:         264          6          0          0
Total network traffic: 788 bytes sent, 475 bytes received

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:26:09 [2059fac527] *CURRENT* client1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  client1.txt
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\client>fossil update trunk

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:26:09 [2059fac527] *CURRENT* client1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  client1.txt
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\client>fossil close ops

Turn to server

D:\client>cd /d D:\server

D:\server>fossil open ops
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   D:/server/ops
local-root:   D:/server/
user-home:    C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data
project-code: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-code:  d6db4046364906a2b20512a9a13abd8a4b94c664
checkout:     19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec 2011-08-16 08:25:50 UTC
parent:       a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de 2011-08-16 08:25:49 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      server0 (user: y00122496)

D:\server>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\server>fossil update trunk

D:\server>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] *CURRENT* server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\server>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

BUG: client1.txt is NOT in the repository of server

D:\server>echo server1  1>server1.txt

D:\server>fossil add server1.txt
ADDED  server1.txt

D:\server>fossil commit --comment server1
New_Version: 11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb

D:\server>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  server0.txt
UNCHANGED  server1.txt

D:\server>fossil close ops

Turn back to client

D:\server>cd /d D:\client

D:\client>fossil open ops
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   D:/client/ops
local-root:   D:/client/
user-home:    C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data
project-code: b47f5b8291724ebbe9ca27bdf555367d5a308f1d
server-code:  1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f
checkout:     2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a 2011-08-16 08:26:09 UTC
parent:       19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec 2011-08-16 08:25:50 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      client1 (user: y00122496)

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:26:09 [2059fac527] *CURRENT* client1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  client1.txt
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\client>fossil sync http://y00122496:a32988@Y00122496:8080 --httptrace
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:             447          7          0          0
Received:         356          8          0          0
Sent:             633         11          0          0
Received:         736         10          2          0
Total network traffic: 1578 bytes sent, 1514 bytes received

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:26:13 [11060e36f3] server1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:26:09 [2059fac527] *CURRENT* client1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] *FORK* server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  client1.txt
UNCHANGED  server0.txt

D:\client>fossil update trunk
REMOVE client1.txt
ADD server1.txt
updated-to:   11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb 2011-08-16 08:26:13 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      server1 (user: y00122496)
"fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.

D:\client>fossil timeline
=== 2011-08-16 ===
08:26:13 [11060e36f3] *CURRENT* server1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:26:09 [2059fac527] client1 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:50 [19d53dd505] *FORK* server0 (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)
08:25:49 [a8407eb60d] initial empty check-in (user: y00122496 tags: trunk)

D:\client>fossil ls -l
UNCHANGED  server0.txt
UNCHANGED  server1.txt

D:\client>fossil close ops

D:\client>cd \
POST /xfer/xfer HTTP/1.0
Host: y00122496:8080
User-Agent: Fossil/1.19-[fca3073621]
Content-Type: application/x-fossil-debug
Content-Length: 545

login y00122496 cc65e78b0068b497efe2f38334d8e4b1c8b88afe 
pull 1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f 
push 1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f 
igot a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de
igot acc8828b67a8289bec332ae9216b040b47303acc
igot 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec
igot e0ed8945f6d2b387342051f102bb945eb8548828
igot 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a
# E29855B4B0BD6BA536CE40EEE801C8156D4BD2AD
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:26:15 GMT
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/x-fossil-debug; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 356

gimme e0ed8945f6d2b387342051f102bb945eb8548828
gimme 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a
igot a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de
igot acc8828b67a8289bec332ae9216b040b47303acc
igot 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec
igot ac1098901ce48c9b1f06dc10fb31509153c42b02
igot 11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb
# timestamp 2011-08-16T08:26:15
POST /xfer/xfer HTTP/1.0
Host: y00122496:8080
User-Agent: Fossil/1.19-[fca3073621]
Content-Type: application/x-fossil-debug
Content-Length: 731

login y00122496 0a537607fd0379d45187960a4c16fc7d46ac8377 
pull 1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f 
push 1b9fc5d540f690029289a6de049cc10ccf00e76f 
igot e0ed8945f6d2b387342051f102bb945eb8548828
igot 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a
gimme ac1098901ce48c9b1f06dc10fb31509153c42b02
gimme 11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb
igot a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de
igot acc8828b67a8289bec332ae9216b040b47303acc
igot 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec
igot e0ed8945f6d2b387342051f102bb945eb8548828
igot 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a
# AA004CFD947F923B7D9CDA9915DD8EB8CA2D9BE6
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:26:16 GMT
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/x-fossil-debug; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 736

file ac1098901ce48c9b1f06dc10fb31509153c42b02 10
file 11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb 271
C server1
D 2011-08-16T08:26:13.632
F server0.txt acc8828b67a8289bec332ae9216b040b47303acc
F server1.txt ac1098901ce48c9b1f06dc10fb31509153c42b02
P 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec
R 0e9166bb415591a8443fbd1aa2d4165e
U y00122496
Z 6b592405b01c7dd3429947d2edcc83f8
gimme e0ed8945f6d2b387342051f102bb945eb8548828
gimme 2059fac527a7d0c8b959afeb29e78d47cf57412a
igot a8407eb60d9c72630b93224f31bfc36a0f9d70de
igot acc8828b67a8289bec332ae9216b040b47303acc
igot 19d53dd50593b47cf6502018ac4f57a8407ddeec
igot ac1098901ce48c9b1f06dc10fb31509153c42b02
igot 11060e36f3c43939f1b1cfb673ea589b1b2d3ddb
# timestamp 2011-08-16T08:26:16
Hi Justin,
My English is not well. I don't know that you said "everything worked" means
you get a different result of the last timeline command. My result is:

Yes, I get a different result than you. What I find is for the server 
repository :

=== 2011-08-11 ===
13:41:50 [925ffeb995] *CURRENT* client1 (user: tkott tags: trunk)
13:39:50 [0ba8f3b0aa] server0 (user: tkott tags: trunk)
13:39:24 [1b99421da6] initial empty check-in (user: tkott tags: trunk)

I.e., fossil syncs, pushes, and pulls correctly.

One thought just came to mind, you can add the option "--httptrace" to the 
"fossil sync" command. I don't actually know what it does, but it has been 
suggested before in other situations where something bout the sync isn't 
working. I believe it will create a couple of files in your repo folder that 
have a copy of the HTTP commands sent back and forth as described here: 

Give that a shot and let us know what happens.

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