On 16.08.2011 17:20, Stephan Beal wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Thomas Schnurrenberger<t...@gmx.net>wrote:
>> If this port (8080) is already used, the service fails silently.
>> To circumvent this problem either specify a different port when
>> you create the service (-p|--port option) or start the service
>> before you use the "interactive" 'fossil server' or 'fossil ui'
>> commands.
> On Linux systems (and, i _assume_ others), if 8080 is already taken fossil
> tries the next port, then the next one... not sure how many time it'll try.
> So --port should only be necessary when you want to hard-code to a specific
> port.
A Windows service runs in a other session then interactive users,
at least on the newest Windows versions and by default can not
easily communicate with the logged in user, if any. If the service
would select the TCP port by himself, how to inform the user?
The behavior of a service can be compared with http or email servers
which are running normally with fixed port numbers.


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