On 09/01/11 12:30, Stephan Beal wrote:
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Martin S. 
Weber<martin.we...@nist.gov<mailto:martin.we...@nist.gov>>  wrote:
Try setting the autosync URL (fossil remote-url) to http://user@host:port/path. 
Note the presence of user in the URL.

To expand on that a bit:

if you clone with:

fossil clone http://USER:PASSWORD@host/... my.fsl

fossil will remember the authorization info but won't (unlike svn) reveal your 
password on stdout when shows you the URL later (e.g. via a pull/sync).

Sadly if you clone with http://USER@host/...my.fsl and enter the password in the prompt, it will *not* remember the password (at least last time I tried). What I do then afterwards is set the remote-url to the same one again, which triggers me being asked for a password, and *then* it's stored. Not sure whether that's fixed already or not, but it's on my inquiry-list :-)

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