2011/9/5 Lluís Batlle i Rossell <virik...@gmail.com>

> Yesterday I achieved quite a working code, through the use of empty_blob
> (to
> overcome the assertion), changing some blob operations (solving some
> leaks), and
> freeing that allocated never freed.

Hi, Lluís!

A comment on your commit message:

[ef8266b710] Leaf: Implementation of a linked list to solve the memory leak
described in a TODO in e2ebb1f5cae8.    This code is slower than having the
memory leak, and at the end, it was not a big memory leak. Let's say, 10
byte per revision involved in a file annotate. If a file has 30000
revisions, it may go around 300KB then.    For this leak to be noticeable
... (user: viriketo, tags: label_linkedlist)

We must not forget that 10 bytes for us clients doesn't count the internal
bytes used by the allocator to track the allocation (i'm guessing 4-16 per
allocation, depending on the platform, though there are special-case
allocators with only 1 bit/alloc overhead), so a 300k leak is probably twice
that size in reality. Since i'm so pedantic when it comes to having matched
malloc/free() pairs, i personally really appreciate your efforts on this.
Even if it has no outward effect on most users, i always sleep better
knowing that the software i use is all clean and tidy on the inside. :)

Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
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