On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:54:19 +0200
jos van kesteren <josvankeste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As we all know, SHA1 and its successor algorithms are specifically
> designed to make collisions
> not just improbable, but very very very improbable.
> However, there are a lot of fossil users doing lots and lots of
> commits and other stuff that
> involves lots and lots of SHA1 calculations, so we could look at
> fossil not just as being a DVCS,
> but also as a kind of SHA1 collision search engine :-)
Just look at the size of the Linux kernel repository which uses SHA-1
for everything as well.
No signs of detected collisions so far reported from the Linux team.
There are other monstrous projects using DVSC, Firefox, for instance.
No signs of detected collisions also.
The list can be continued, I suppose.
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