On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> (Aside:  Should we create a new fossil-dev mailing list for this kind of
> thing, and preserve fossil-user for use by people who just want to use
> Fossil and don't really care what is happening behind the scenes?)

Fine by me - i have no strong opinion one way or the other, but i understand
that when i'm "in one of my phases" i can generate more traffic than the
average user wants to see ;).

who created it, and when. See
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/doc/trunk/www/fileformat.wiki#wikichng for the
> details of the artifact content.

Section 4 described basically want i envisioned, it seems. i was concerned
that getting the name of the committer might be more difficult.

Note that since the name of the wiki page is part of the artifact, you
> cannot change the name of a wiki page.  You can check in new versions of the
> same page under a new name.  But historical versions will retain their
> original name.

Just out of curiosity - is that implement like a file mv operation or are
they different?

> Fossil keeps track of the wiki pages by creating a tag named
> "wiki-NameOfPage" for each wiki  artifact.  Hence, to get a list of all wiki
> page names:

There was a time (long ago) when i used to know that. Time to get back into
the db structure.

> To get SHA1 hash for all the different versions of a single wiki page named
> "xyzzy", do this:

That's very helpful - i'd like to be able to "walk the lineage" via json

Each wiki artifact also creates an entry in the "event" table as well.  The
> event table breaks out the "user" field, so you can use joins against the
> event table to query for wiki edits by a specific user, for example, or to
> create a table of the history of edits to a wiki page together with the name
> of the user who made the edit.


> Fossil does not build a DAG for the wiki pages. But it could. All the
> information necessary to build up a wiki page DAG is there in the wiki
> artifacts.  I just haven't run across the need to have a wiki page DAG yet.
> If you wanted to create a DAG of wiki page edits, that would probably
> involve a new table similar to the mlink or plink tables.  Then you would
> enhance the artifact parser to populate the new table as wiki artifacts are
> encountered.  Then run "fossil rebuild" to build of the DAG.

i don't _think_ i'll be needing a persistent store like this, but rather
building them from client code (and then probably only occassionally). Only
time will tell...

----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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