On 09/19/11 13:19, Stephan Beal wrote:
#3: something entirely different?

:) I'm missing the recursive structure somewhat. Maybe it's just me. I like recursion.

{ "name": "subdir1", "content": [ <recurse> ], "type": "{x in link,file,directory}" }

file content: empty (or ? )
link content: file link
dir content: file/dir/link content list

lends naturally to relative operations this way.

Why #3 rather than #1/2a/b ?:

I don't like #1 because it misses links, and includes (has to) the whole path. I think (guess, believe, ...) that relative operations are more often than absolute operations (display, move, annotate, search, ...)

I don't like #2a because of the abbreviations. It's json, not a single byte unix encoding necessity or something we're talking about here.

I don't like #2b because of a mix of above reasons ;)

Of course that also encodes my personal taste of things, which definitely plays a role in the rationale above and Your Mileage May Vary as they say (or your taste :)

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