> Using a recent version of fossil (Fossil version 1.19 [6092935ff2] 2011-10-05 
> 02:03:04) I can't log in to any repository at all (including repos I've had 
> up for over a year without a problem) except on the local machine.  I've 
> attached an example of this behaviour as an empty repository.  There are two 
> users on this repo: michael and nii.  The former is Super-user and the latter 
> is Developer.  Both have the password 12345.  I can only log in as "michael" 
> when run locally (and, indeed, hitting Logout leads me to an "Unable to 
> connect" message).  When running remotely I can access the Login page, but 
> can't actually log in.  It *says* I've been logged in, but going anywhere 
> other than the login window says I'm not logged in.

There were some changes to login code lately:

[d4a341b49d] Merge protection against timing attacks into trunk.

But I can't reproduce your problem.

Maybe try 'make clean' before rebuilding the code?

If this won't work, try the version before this merge: [3fac77d7b0] and let us 
know the results.


Dmitry Chestnykh

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