On 2011-11-07, at 18:42, Ross Berteig <r...@cheshireeng.com> wrote:

> At 02:32 PM 11/7/2011, Gilles wrote:
> >I guess it would make more sense that -n stands for "number of
> >check-in's", but it's not returning that number.
> >
> >I updated from 1.19 to 1.20, and re-ran the command on my repo:
> >"-n 5" still doesn't return the last five check-in's. Maybe this
> >is not what the "-n" switch mean.
> Without examining the code, I've tried a couple of experiments in
> a repo of my own. It appears that the -n N option specifies a
> desired number of lines to output, but tests it only between
> complete timeline entries. Also, the lines containing only a date
> are not counted against N.
> So if your checkin comments are all short enough there are many
> of them per day, then you will have about two lines per entry and
> you can estimate the number of entries printed for -n N to be
> N/2. However, if your entries are more explanatory or occur at
> one per day or less then you will get fewer entries.
> If your comments are typically very verbose or vary a lot in
> length, then the number of output lines may bear very little
> relationship to the number of items output.
> The Timeline tab in the web ui appears to count actual entries
> not length. I'd respectfully suggest that since trimming text to
> a set number of lines is an easy operation but counting entries
> is not, the fossil timeline command's -n option should count
> entries and not try (and fail) to count lines.

According to "fossil help timeline" -n specify the number of checkins.

Martin G.
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