On 10/11/2011, at 2:50 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:

On 10/11/2011, at 2:30 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:

I tried to do something similar, using a git tag to keep track of where I was up to
for the incremental import.

It mostly works, except the timeline shows each import as disconnected from
the previous import. See attached.

For the import at 21:40, I tried to import one previous rev hoping that they would be
merged, but this didn't happen. Is this "disconnect" fixable?

I guess the problem is that the first commit of an incremental import has no
ancestor identified. Would it be possible to identify the ancestor somehow, either
on the command line, or by finding the tip of the corresponding branch?

The attached patch works for my simple case of always importing to the tip of trunk,
but I'm sure it is highly dubious in other situations.

On 05/11/2011, at 7:28 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:

Just a heads-up:

I did a quick test, and this didn't seem to work:

* Created a new Fossil repository
* Opened it into ./fossil, added README.txt with contents "foo".
* Changed to parent directory, created Git repository in ./git
* Imported Fossil repo and switched to trunk branch
* Modified README.txt to contain "foo\nbar" and committed to Git
* Ran "git fast-export --all |fossil import --incremental ../test.fossil"
* Then ran "cd ../fossil; fossil up"

The result is that my initial commit of README.txt into Fossil appears in the timeline twice. The Git commit appears, but "fossil up" won't update to it, at least not without being explicitly asked. If you'd like to see the resulting repository, it's here:


Sorry I didn't test in the first place, I thought that the answer would be something like "yes of course that works, that's what --incremental does, what a silly question." :) I guess I'll just use Fossil until I get pushback, then try promoting it and, if that fails, just export to Git.


On 11/04/2011 03:35 PM, Michael Barrow wrote:
Apologies in advance if this makes no sense. I've only done a tiny bit with git and that was some time ago.

What if you have a single directory that both version control systems use? You pull from git, commit to Fossil, do your changes and commit to Fossil, and then push your changes to git. When you do the new pull from git, you just update Fossil and start the cycle again.

Michael L. Barrow

On Nov 4, 2011, at 10:54, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info> wrote:

Thanks, but that's not really what I asked.

I totally get Fossil's development model, have used it for over a year and think that it'd be a great fit for this particular community. I also read this message when it was originally posted. But I may be working with people who would rather submit a quick change via Github rather than download and install a new piece of software. Yes, I get that it's easy, I'm just thinking that it might be a barrier here. So let me make the question more explicit:

1. Can I export my project to a Git repository, push that to Github, make a few commits, export the changes to Git and push the repository again? If so, will it look identical to the repository after the first step with a few extra commits such that someone who pulls doesn't get told that the repository after the changes is different?

2. If my canonical Fossil repository advances and someone makes changes on Github, can I do an incremental import of the Git repository and only get their changes without creating an entirely new Fossil repository?

3. Has anyone else done this, and how does it work? I'd really rather use Fossil, but am worried about losing contributors who don't want to learn a new and simpler system. Since we're developing applications to meet immediate needs (software for the various occupations), the response I may get from people might be to use the tools that everyone knows to maximize the community's ability/willingness to chip in. If that response comes, hopefully I can say that Fossil interacts with Git in the manner I've described here and can meet the need.


On 11/04/2011 12:06 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info> wrote:
some pushback from Git users. Is it possible to use Fossil in a workflow with people who would rather use Git/Github?

Richard wrote a nice summary of that on Oct 16th which i'll paste in here:

Fossil does not currently support a hierarchical development model very well.  It wants everybody to be a peer.  It wants all developers to see everything all the time.  Fossil strives to avoid a "peeking order" in which some developers are hidden from view behind "lieutenants".  This is a more egalitarian model, but also one that does not scale as well.

To better support a hierarchy, Fossil would need the ability to sync individual branches in addition to its current behavior of always syncing everything on every sync request. (Recall that I asked for volunteers to implement such a thing a while back.)  But adding that feature quickly gets complicated when you then try to figure out how to deal with auto-sync.  You could, I suppose, put your local Fossil into a mode where it only syncs the branch you are currently working on or switching to.  But what about Wiki and Tickets and Events?  Do they get synced or not?  Once you leave the comfort of Fossils original model of "everybody sees all the code all the time" then various operational questions of this kind start to come up.

----- stephan beal

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Attachment: import-incremental-ancestor.patch
Description: Binary data

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