Thanks for that. Is the behaviour I am seeing for creating new branches

fossil branch new "Minimal" trunc

normal (always asking for a pgp signature), or am I making a syntax error
somewhere? I've just upgraded to the latest build and ran "fossil all
rebuild", but get the same behaviour?

On 14 November 2011 11:32, Stephan Beal <> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:17 PM, David Bovill 
> <>wrote:
>> *Empty Folders*
>> When switching between branches, files are removed but empty folders are
>> left hanging around. Empty folders also do not show up with "fossil
>> extras". I'm looking to switch between branches, and not have separate
>> checkouts, but need to avoid these empty folders. What's the syntax / best
>> way to do this? I could I guess script something to delete all the files
>> before checking out a branch, but this seems ugly?
> Fossil doesn't track directories. If you want to get rid of empty ones,
> one way to do this in Unix is:
> find . -type d | xargs rmdir
> Notes:
> a) rmdir will refuse to delete non-empty dirs, so the above will likely
> spit out harmless warnings for non-emtpy dirs.
> b) spaces and whatnot in the names will break the above (how best/easiest
> to fix it depends partly on whether you're using GNU find or not).
> --
> ----- stephan beal
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