Am Samstag, den 03.12.2011, 12:28 +0000 schrieb Eric:
> On Sat, December 3, 2011 10:56 am, Barry Kauler wrote:
> >>> fossil add --dotfiles .
> >>>
> >> that's exactly what I searched for. Is there a way to make this
> >> behaviour default for a repository?
> >
> > I would very much like this too please.
> > I am a newcomer to Fossil, was quite surprised that hidden files are
> > left out by default.
> Why? What is the definition of "hidden".
Hidden is, what you cannot see directly.

> > Note, my Fossil repo has hidden files, symlinks, binary files, empty
> > directories, and files/directories with special permissions/ownership!
> Your project has these things. To the extent that my projects have them,
> I deal with them with setup, build, and install scripts. I don't actually
> see why people expect a newly-made checkout (working) directory to behave
> in all respects like an installed copy of the project. This is not what
> the SCM tools are designed for.
SCM tools are designed to manage all changes made to the project. If a
team works on a software, agreed on the usage of an IDE and manage the
project entirely with an IDE, the settings made to the project in the
IDE have to be part of the repository as well as the source itself. If
one programmer addes external binary libraries, all other programmers
should get this libraries, as well as the settings in the project of the
IDE to include them through the VCS.

Since VCS, especially DVCS aim to be used by multiple programmers
working on one project, the default settings should be focused on that,
instead of single programmers.

But that leads far off-topic, so please don't spam the topic further
with this.

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