Tomek Kott wrote:
> With the new TCL integration, does that mean that full TCL support is
available through the server end as well?


> That is, currently we can use TH1 variables etc. when setting up the
displays, tickets, etc. through the web interface.
> With TCL enabled, can we now replace the TH1 with TCL?

The Tcl language does not replace TH1, it augments it.  For example, when
Tcl support is enabled at compile-time and
runtime (via the new "tcl" setting), you can use the [tclEval], [tclExpr],
and [tclInvoke] commands to allow complete
access to Tcl from TH1.  Similarly, the created Tcl interpreter will contain
the [th1Eval] and [th1Expr] commands to
allow Tcl script access to the Fossil-specific functionality already exposed
to TH1.

The Tcl integration was done in this way to maintain maximum compatibility
with previous versions and to allow people to
stick with using TH1 if they feel that Tcl is too 'heavy' for their

Here is a quick example TH1 script taken from the tests for the new Tcl
integration feature:

  tclInvoke set repository_name [repository 1]
  proc doOut {msg} {puts $msg; puts \n}
  doOut [tclEval {
    package require sqlite3
    sqlite3 db $repository_name
    set x [db eval {SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user;}]
    db close
    return $x

Joe Mistachkin

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