On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:24:00 +0100
ma...@include-once.org wrote:

> Probably missing something very obvious. But how do you
> get the current set of files from a remote repository? (Using
> the command line, not the server UI.)
> With SVN or GIT you can just do a checkout on the server
> url with e.g.
>     svn co http://svn.example.org/repos/proj/trunk proj
>     git clone git://examplehub.com/jquery/jquery.git
> In Fossil this seems to require at minimum two steps:
>     fossil clone http://fsl.example.com/repo local.fsl
>     fossil tarball -R local.fsl trunk /dev/stdout | tar tz
> But cloning the remote repository is obviously redundant
> if you just want the current set of files. Is there a shortcut
> for this?
You seem to have some deep confusion about how Git works:
`git clone` brings in the full repository history, then it just checks
out a branch the HEAD ref in the remote repository points to, and that
appears to you to be "the current set of files...".

In fossil, the equivalent to your `git clone` command would be
fossil clone $URL repo.fossil
mkdir repo; cd repo
fossil open ..\repo.fossil
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