On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:28:46 +0000
Kevin Martin <ke...@khn.org.uk> wrote:

> I have looked through the documentation, and I really can't seem to
> figure this out.
> I set up a repository on a server.
> fossil init test.fossil
> fossil server -P 10000
> I VPN on to the remote network, and from my local machine do a fossil
> clone
> fossil clone http://kev82@
> which then resets my password on the local repository. Although auto
> sync does work.
It does not "reset" your password; it rather creates a single user for
this repository, which is then granted admin privileges.

The idea is that cloning only fetches "the data", that is, artifacts
which are commits, trees, blobs, wiki pages, bugs, documentation etc.
"The configuration", even though it's physically kept in the same
database file, is an orthogonal concept and it's quite logically
excluded from cloning because different hosting locations of the same
data might have radically different requirement for the scenarios
of accessing it.

If you happen to have the same username on both machines, the user
names of these admin users of both your repositories will be the same
and that's what probably made you think the user list is cloned.
You can override the admin user name of a newly-created local repo using
the --admin-user|-A option when cloning.

> I know this is a minor problem because fossil ui seems to
> automatically log me in on the local repository, but I'd prefer it if
> I could keep the passwords the same. Is there a way to do this?
Change your local password by running 
$ fossil user password $username [-R /path/to/repo.fossil]
(the optional bit is only needed if you run this command not within an
open checkout).

Probably you can also pull the configuration from the remote
repo using
$ fossil config pull user
(I'm not sure it will work though--never did it myself).
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