Hi List,
I am trying to clone my repository over SSH complete with all my
private branches. So far I have had no luck. I compiled fossil on
Ubuntu-10.04 from its current trunk version and that's what I am
$ fossil clone --private
ssh://leor@pionL2:2222//home/leor/Devel/Fossil/LR.fossil  LR.fossil
password for leor:
ssh -e none -T -p 2222 leor@pionl2
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:              73          1          0          0
Received:     5001001      15798       2003       5914
Sent:              91          2          0          0
Error: not authorized to sync private content
Received:     6225987          1          0          0
Total network traffic: 575 bytes sent, 11227422 bytes received
fossil: server returned an error - clone aborted
What options should I enable in fossil->Admin to permit sync of
private branches? I randomly tried several seemingly relevant options
under User, Acess but to no avail.

BTW, cloning without --private works fine.

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