On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 2:26 AM, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:

> Right. I'd like to have simple 'rollback' as well in a situation when I
> quickly find out that the commit was simply mistake...

A key philosophical design principle of Fossil is "no erasures".  This is
how business financial accounting is (or used to be) done.  You write in
ink.  If an error is found, you annotate the erroneous entry with a note of
correction and/or create new entries to undo the mistake.  You do not erase
or alter existing entries.  And in this way one maintains an audit trail.

Other VCSes allow you to edit the DAG.  (The rebase command of git is the
prime example.)  That's OK for git because their philosophy is that the DAG
is part of the project documentation and should be clean and neat.  The
Fossil philosophy, in contrast, is that the DAG should be a true and
accurate history what you really did, rather than what you should have

So the git-way of handling a mistaken commit would be to roll it back.  The
Fossil-way would be to tag that commit as being the beginning of a new
branch, typically a branch named "mistake", and then close the branch.
You can see examples of the Fossil-way, here:


That said, I'm not completely opposed to having the ability to back out a
mistaken commit, so long as that commit has not been pushed or synced to
other repositories.  It is DAG editing (rewriting history) that I am
opposed to.  Rewriting history (rebase) and omitting parts of history
(rolling back commits) are distinct concepts, and rewriting (lying) is
clearly a greater sin than omitting irrelevancies.  But most Fossil users
operate in autocommit mode, meaning that commit and push happen together,
so there is seldom exist any unsynced commits, which is perhaps the biggest
reason why rollback has never been implemented.

For contributing to Fossil itself, there is a Pre-checkin
developers are suppose to follow prior to each 'fossil commit".  (A
similar checklist exists for SQLite.)  A key element of this checklist is
the "fossil diff" - to make sure you really know what you are about to
check in.  Very often I spot debugging statements that should have been
removed, missing or erroneous comments, bad indentation, or goofy variable
names during that "fossil diff" step, and thus have an opportunity to
correct those errors prior to making them a part of the permanent record.
I also find that I am able to write better checkin comments if I have just
reviewed all changes associated with the checkin.  I highly recommend that
you adopt some kind of short, simple pre-checkin checklist for your
projects as well, and that this checklist involve a "diff" of what is about
to be checked in.  It really does help.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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