On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 18:32:19 -0800
Brian Smith <br...@linuxfood.net> wrote:

Hello Brian,

> Here are some of the basic items that need feedback:
> I've marked each question with an asterisk (*) so that you can find
> my questions easier.

Let me say that, in general, I'd happy having same workflow as with Mercurial
considering it works reasonable using intuitive choices, although I'm aware
that Fossil & Hg have different designs.

> Scenario:
> You're pulling a specific branch (topic1) that other developers are
> also committing on. You have only ever pulled topic1 branch and
> nothing else.
> Someone commits to topic1 and then later moves that commit to the
> mistake branch.
> As presently implemented, limsync will pull in the control artifact
> that made that change, and that commit will then show up in your copy
> on the mistake branch, even though you've never pulled mistake.
> (*) What do people want to have happen here? I think this is
> reasonable behavior because, the movement of a commit off of the
> branch you're interactive with is a valid part of the history of that
> branch. I don't yet know what it would take to change that behavior.

It' reasonable.

> Scenario:
> Same as above.
> Someone merges into topic1 the branch topic2.
> As presently implemented, limsync will pull in the merge commit, and
> the last commit to topic2, but no other commits. It's necessary to at
> least pull in every immediate parent of a merge commit, but, it only
> needs to be the manifests. File data could be excluded. It's possible
> to have limsync pull in the complete history of topic2 on such an
> event.
> (*) What would people prefer to see with respect to merge commits?
> I suppose this could be configurable behavior, but, I'm hesitant to
> make it configurable on the first pass. That should be added later
> based on demand, probably.

The present behaviour seems OK, although it seems that pulls the complete
history of topic2, but that's probably due to its design.

> Scenario:
> Same as before.
> Someone creates a new branch topic3 off of some commit of topic1.
> limsync currently will pull in the first commit of that new branch.
> Mind you, only the _first_ commit will be pulled in. 

Is it enough not to get too many conflicts when someone wants to merge it later?

> I don't yet know how it interacts with the command 'branch new'. I'll add
> that to my list of things to test regardless.


> (*) Does anyone have any preference here? I could probably make it
> ignore new branches off of the branches you're pulling, but, it seems
> to me that discovering new lines of history is valuable.

Hmm, For now I tend to think to ignore new branches.

> Right now, the command line interface is modeled like so (ignoring
> existing flags):
> fossil push/pull [--tickets] [--wiki] [--branch NAME]*

Looks OK.

> Plus two advanced flags: --pushtags, --pulltags which allow you to
> specify any arbitrary tag name. All of --tickets, --wiki, and
> --branch, are essentially implemented in terms of those two flags.


> --branch, --pushtags, and --pulltags can all be specified multiple
> times like so:
> fossil push --branch topic1 --branch topic2
> (*) Would people prefer a comma separated list of branches/tags ?

I prefer the above, iow, no comma-separated list.

> (*) Would it be useful to anyone to be able to specify something like:
> fossil pull --tag release=v1.0


> So that you could theoretically create repositories that only track
> tags with specific values?

That would be very nice. In hg one can do something like:

hg clone --rev v1.0

> That's it for now. As I put my head back into the code, I'm sure I'll
> come up with other questions.

Thank you very much for your work. 

Having Fossil with the ability to select individual branches for pull/push
would make me zo not think about Hg any longer. ;)


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