On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:19 AM, ST <smn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1) I've just configured my first fossil repo and now would like to copy
> this configuration to other projects. Is it possible?
> Most problematic part is enabling "assigned_to" and "opened_by" in
> tickets as per this:
> http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/custom_ticket.wiki . Why
> isn't it actually there out of the box? Or it is there and I just missed
> it? It is a bit painful to go through this process for all the project
> that I have...

On the repo you've already set up:

     fossil configuration export all config.txt -R alreadysetup.fossil

Then on your new repo:

    fossil configuration import config.txt -R newrepo.fossil

All the configuration information is transferred through the filed
"config.txt" in the example above.  That file is pure SQL so it is ASCII
text and readable.  You can move the file across systems in between the two
operations, if you need to.

If you only want to transfer some subset of the configuration, you can
replace "all" by "email", "project", "shun", "skin", "ticket", or "user".

See "fossil config --help" for additional information.

> 2) Two ideas for future features (please tell me whether you will
> consider implementing them):
> a) alias for urls: possibility to provide an alias for url of each page
> so that it looks cleaner. For example for the page mentioned above alias
> could be "custom_ticket", so that the url will look like:
> http://fossil-scm.org/custom_ticket
> b) a page with a simple contact form (optionaly with captcha and
> attachments) that will send the message to a predifined email according
> to topic selected by sender.
> Thank you,
> ST
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