On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Benoit Mortgat <mort...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The simplest way to let merge conflicts happen, and
> restore versions from an older commit if you know the file artifact ids:
> fossil artifact a59bd2322 > my/file.txt

Why not just "fossil revert my/file.txt"?

> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 14:14, Leo Razoumov <slonik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > GIT has a useful merge strategy "git merge -s ours" that always
> > chooses our current version over the version being merged in. The
> > resulting merge has exactly the same files contents as its base
> > parent. The only difference being that the commit merged in is now
> > added to the list of merge parents.
> >
> > How to achieve the same effect in fossil??
> >
> > For those who wonder why do I need such a thing here is a use case. I
> > tend to commit very often. In order to prevent polluting public
> > branches I work mostly on private branches periodically merging the
> > changes (when they are in good shape) into public branches. When
> > merging private branch into a public one fossil does not record
> > private branch as a merge parent (and for a good reason!).  Often I do
> > have a suitable merge parent candidate. How do I trick fossil into
> > just adding a commit into manifest's  "P" card to make it a merge
> > parent??
> >
> > --Leo--
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> --
> Benoit Mortgat
> 20, avenue Marcel Paul
> 69200 VĂ©nissieux, France
> +33 6 17 15 41 58
> +33 4 27 11 61 23
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