On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:42 AM, mlfconv <mlf.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it's about importing an ancient project where all source code files are
> updates and branches to the same file, except no version control software
> was used at that time, and I'd like to import it so no history rewriting
> would happen. Instead of doing an actual merge of A2 and B2 into A3 another
> file is inserted as fake merge as A3, at the same time B2 continues after
> merge with additional changes as B3.

Since oyu just have files, your "import" is just a matter of creating
a repository and a working copy, then populating the working copy with
the set file respresenting the initial version, then adding and
commiting those files. Then each revision is just a matter of
replacing the same-named files in the work area with the set of files
represting the next revision.

I don't know what you mean by "fake merge". Are you saying that A3 is
not the parent of A4? If that is the case, then you can have both A3
and A4 as children of A2.

Also, in order for Fossil's revion graph to show merges, you have to
perform the actual with Fossil. Since the merge does not automatically
commit the result, you would have the opportunity to compare the
result with the set of files from your original merge and even replace
Fossil's result with your own. (I do recommend comparing them first -
it might help you find potential problems - either in your source
code, your old merge process or even Fossil's merge).
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