On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 12:31:50PM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
>    So now I have three variants up for consideration:
>      (1)  http://www.fossil-scm.org/
>      (2)  http://www2.fossil-scm.org/
>      (3)  http://www3.fossil-scm.org/
>    #1 is the recent change, with the rock background, which I (being very old
>    school) prefer.  #2 is the original before recent changes.  #3 is like #1
>    but without the background image.

I don't like the wallpaper background in #1! It reminds me of a 1990's
website (and no, it didn't look good back then either). We shouldn't
strive to be _that_ kind of fossil.

I like the rotated fossil logo because it is more space efficient than
the upright version.

Whether or not to keep the new outside thick border, I could go either

The link colors on #1 are nice - I especially like how the unclicked
link is a nice subtle blue. But, please leave it a bluish hue for
unclicked and a purplish hue for click - if for nothing else but
standard convention's sake. I got very confused very quick on the
reverse motif of whether or not I had been somewhere (but, I know I
clicked on that link and read that doc, why is the link still blue???).

Christopher Berardi

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